Main purpose of this module is to give you an overview of possibilities for using Python in the area of IoT. Fundamental advantage of Python is extensibility which allows it to span across different application layers required for E2E IoT projects.
Value of Python from the perspective of IoT
If we take a look at the IoT reference model and especially its abstraction layers, we can conclude that we have to cover few topics in order to create successful IoT project. These topics are:
- Device control & management
- Communication
- Data processing on the Edge
- Centralised (BiG) Data processing & analytics
- Application development (in a traditional sense)
And the greatest value is that Python due to its flexibility can cover all of these!
If you would like to try to work on ‘real’ IoT hardware contact Milos Viktorovic at ( Additionally student taking Smart Urban Environments course, would have the opportunity to work on the Raspberry Pi platform in combination with GrovePi board and sensors, during their ‘ICT’ assignment.
Interesting Libraries for IoT projects
Other resources