Tag Archives: ppl

Courtesy of EAC-m (https://www.eacm.nl/2021/04/11/milos-is-geslaagd-voor-zijn-brevet/)

Everyone: *being silent, minding their own business…* Miloš: Last week I passed my PPL (pilot) exam! And this is how my story starts… If you are the one of those people who at…

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Great lesson with Dennis Vriesema on PH-DEC, Super Decathlon! Lesson is aimed to demonstrate what happens when an airplane enters the spin (one wing stalls) and how a pilot can recover from it!…

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Glimpse into flight over Rotterdam and Erasmus Bridge 🙂 And a short video:


Yesterday, Saturday, August 29, the flight day started a bit slowly due to the low cloud on EHEH, but once the flight was ready the conditions were perfect for a first solo flight.…

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